is a time for bows
And jingle bells
and winter snows Of holly wreaths and colored lights
That twinkle in the snowy nights.
is a time for cakes
And other things that mommy makes Of
little stockings on the wall
With tiny treasures in them all.
is a time of joy
For every little girl and boy
A time of toys and balls
and bats
And puppy dogs and baseball hats.
But just remember
Christmas brings Much more than toys
and other things More than tinsel,
more than lights More than jingle bells
and snowy nights.
Most of all this time of year
With all it's love and
Christmas cheer
Reminds us of the
gift of love
That came to us from up above.
For long ago in Bethlehem
A star arose above the land.
Little angels came to earth
To sing the news of Jesus' birth.
The shepherds heard their song of joy
And went to see the baby boy.
Wisemen saw his wondrous star
And made their journey from afar.
They brought him gifts of spice and gold
That Christmas Day so long foretold.
Now Christmas is
a time to
The love of Jesus everywhere
A time when we
can laugh
and sing
And thank the Lord for everything.
So when you think of snowy nights
With sleighbells, trees,
and Christmas lights
Above all else remember too,
God sent his gift of love for you.
In a manger far away
The precious baby Jesus lay
While shepherds knelt and worshipped Him
Who came to save the world from sin.
So let us rejoice and sing
Sweet praises to the newborn King
And share His love with friends so dear
Today and through this coming year.
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night.
Birthday Jesus
Let no debt rwmain outstanding ,
except the continuing debt
to love one another ,
for he who loves his fellow man
has fulfilled the law .
( Romans 13 : 8 )
( ù°¨®Ñ 13 : 8 )
Dear children ,
let us not love with words or tongue
but actions and in truth .
( 1 John 3 :18 )
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( ¬ù¿«³ü®Ñ 3: 18 )
Out of tje same mouth come praise and cursing .
My brother ,
this should not be .
( James 3 : 10 )
¹|Æg ©M ¶A©G ±q¤@Ó¤fùØ¥X¨Ó¡A
( ¶®¦U®Ñ 3 : 10 )
Avoid godless chatter ,
because those who indulge in it
will become more and more ungodly .
( II Timothy 2 :16 )
¦ýn »·Â÷ ¥@«Uªºµê½Í¡A
( ´£¼¯¤Ó«á®Ñ 2:16 )
Let us stop passing judgement on one another .
Instead , make up your mind
not to put any stumbling block
or obstacle in your brother's way .
( Romans 14 : 13 )
( ù°¨®Ñ 14 :13 )
Last updated 2001.4.19