
My Statement of Faith


1) Jesus Christ is the Only hope for humanity.


Whoever has the Son has this life ;

whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

(1 John 5:12)


2) We believe that

Jesus Christ is the only way to access God.


Jesus answered him,

" I am the way, the truth and the life:;

NO one goes to the Father, except by me".

(John 14:6)


3) We believe that man is unrighteous,

regardless of morals, good works, or religious affiliation,

without receiving Jesus Christ as Savior

and Lord of their lives.


For it is by God's grace

that you have been saved through faith .

It is not the result of your own efforts ,

but God's gift ,

so that no one can boast about it .

(Ephesians 2:8-9)



4) We believe that

Jesus Christ was the virgin born son of God,

therefore, confirming his Diety as God in flesh.


" A virgin will become pregnant

and have a son ,

and he will be called Immanuel "

(which means , " God is with us " )




5) We believe that we are saved

* by repentance, by faith, believeing

and receiving Jesus Christ

as the provided atonement for sin through his death on the cross

and his bodily resurrection from the grave.


If you confess that

Jesus is Lord

and believe that God raised him from death ,

you will be saved .


" Everyone who calls out to the Lord

for help will be saved . "

(Romans 10: 9& 13)

(* Saved--saved from hell, sin, ourselves and the power of the devil.)


The "Roman Road" To Salvation


1) "All" humanity included under sin:


everyone has sinned and is far away from

God's saving presence .

(Romans 3:23)


2) "All" humanity sentenced because of sin:


"For the wages of sin is death..."

(Physical and Spiritual)....

( Romans 6:23)


3) God's undeserved love to humanity

in providing Salvation:


But God has shown us how much He loves us--

it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us !

(Romans 5:8)


4) How to receive this great Salvation;



" Everyone who calls out to the Lord

for help will be saved . "

" (Romans: 10:13 )

* Faith- active personal trust in the record


God has given us eternal life ,

and this life has its source in his Son .

( read 1 John 5: 9-13)



It is not that we have loved God ,

but he Loved us and sent his Son to be the means

by which our sins are forgiven .

( 1 John 4 : 10 )








God is love ,

and whoever lives in love

lives in union with God

and God lives in union with him .

( 1 John 4 : 16 )







Last updated 2001.4.19