Stain Removers
Ballpoint Ink .... Use rubbing alcohol.
Tough Stains.... Sprinkle the stain with baking soda and then lemon juice. Scrub with a scrub brush as the solution bubbles out the stain. Works well for removing make-up, blood, mustard, and other tough stains.
Wine...... Blot up as much as possible, then use water to blot up remaining.
Blood...... Cover area with cornstarch, add cool water to form a paste. Wait 15 minutes, sponge with cool water.
Perspiration.... Soak garment in white vinegar, then rinse.
Ink Stains.... Treat as soon as possible with spray deodorant or hair spray. Then wash as usual.
Baby Formula...on washable fabrics...Cover stains with a paste of meat tenderizer and water..let sit 15 minutes, then wash as usual!
Grass Stains... Sponge with rubbing alcohol to remove most plant stains!
Grease.... Sprinkle stains with Talcum powder, let sit for 15 minutes, then brush off, then wash in mild dishwashing liquid and warm water.
Coffee and wine stains.... Blot the fresh spill with a cloth soaked with club soda. Or rub with moist salt.
Ring Around The Collar....-Use shampoo. Just scrub shampoo lightly on the stains with a hand and nail brush.
Wine and fruit stains.... Clean with club soda or pour on salt or soak in milk before washing.
Oil stains.... Rub white chalk into the stain before laundering. Or rub with damp cloth dipped in borax. Or apply a paste of cornstarch and water, let dry and brush off.
Ink stains.... Wet the stain with cold water. Apply paste of cream of tartar and lemon juice. Let sit one hour. Wash as usual. Or mix 1/3 cup white vinegar and 2/3 cup warm water. Apply a small amount to the stain. Blot until no more stain can be removed.
Lipstick stains.... Rub with shortening and wash with washing soda.
Rust stains.... Scrub with crumbled aluminum foil. Fresh Blood Stains.... Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain. Let soak for approximately 1/2 hour.
Chocolate and coffee stains.... Mix 1tsp white vinegar with 1 quart water. Sponge on stain and wash as usual.
Ink Stains.... Make a paste of Cream of Tartar and lemon juice. Apply to stain and leave on for 1 hour. For delicate fabrics sponge paste off immediately then repeat procedure until stain is removed.
Grease.... Make a paste of baking soda or cornstarch with water. Cover the spot then let dry and brush off. For rough textured fabric try cornstarch instead. For polyester, try talcum powder. For double knit fabrics try club soda.
Rust Stains....Cement cleaner gets rust stains out of clothing. It even works on delicates. First, try rubbing it on a non-conspicuous area. This even works on rust stains that have set in the dryer!
Grass Stains.... Get stains out of jeans by using squirt of shampoo, the kind for oily hair really seems to work best and a scrub brush.
Perspiration stains.... Dab with a weak solution of white vinegar or lemon juice and water. Wash as usual.
Last updated 2000.5.30