Laundry Tips
To make liquid fabric softner last longer put it in a spray bottle. Spray it on an old wash cloth four or five times and toss it in the dryer with your laundry.
When you fold sheets and pillowcases after washing fold them and put them inside of another pillowcase. Then you won't have to search for the matching pieces.
To get grease stains out of clothing, dip a damp cloth into borax and rub into the stain. Let it dry and brush it off.
To get ink out of white fabric, wet the fabric with cold water. Mix up a paste of lemon juice and cream of tartar. Rub into stain. Let sit for 1-2 hours then wash the fabric.
For an easy fabric softener, add one quarter cup baking soda to the wash cycle or ?cup vinegar to the rinse cycle.
To get grease stains out of clothing, dip a damp cloth into borax and rub into the stain. Let it dry and brush it off.
To Remove Blood Stains
Corn starch can remove blood stains. Rinse the stain in cold water, then rub in moistened cornstarch. Place the item in the sun.
Use toothpaste to remove mustard stains.
If you want to increase the loft of a down comforter throw a pair of clean sneakers in the dryer(on low) along with the comforter.
For the best washing action, mix large items like sheets with a few smaller items, like blouses or hand towels, in the same color range. Avoid wrapping sheets around the agitator post of the washer. They need to be free to move easily.
Keep a large pail, filled with a presoak solution. When clothes are going to need a soaking, place them in the pail till it's laundry time. When you do laundry, the clothes will be ready to wash.
Rid perspiration odor from clothes with vinegar. Apply vinegar to odor and then wash.
Vinegar also will rid shine from the seat of dark pants and skirts.
Prevent lint from sticking to clothes in the dryer. Throw a pair of pantyhose into the dryer with your wet clothes.
Never Lose socks again in the laundry! Pin socks together with a safety pin. Just unpin after they come out of the dryer
Put small infant socks in an old knee high to prevent loosing them in the washer.
Last updated 2000.5.27