Bedroom Tips

Keep a spare set of linens in each room that requires bedding.

This greatly reduces the steps taken at the time the task

needs to be completed as well as reduce the "search and find" time wasted when attempting to locate a specific set.

Do you suffer from "lack of space" for storing bedroom linens?

Invest in a storage trunk.

This can be a very nice, decorative and functioanl piece of bedroom furniture

that is extremely versatile for college dorms later on.

Keep a laundry basket of some sort in every room.

Have everyone in the household get in the habit of

either hanging their clothes up

or putting them in a laundry basket

(why of course there is one in every room!)


Make the bed as soon as you get up.

Creating an aesthetically pleasing to the eye

bedroom is not only more peaceful, it is far more romantic!

When purchasing bedroom furniture always think "space maximization."

Seek night stands that have drawers, shelves, cabinets and possibly cubbies.

Avoid settling for a plain ordinary table as this is prime floor space.

Let's attempt to maximize the night stands use

while appealing to our aesthetic nature.

If you find yourself in the market for a new bed frame or headboard,

consider investing in a headboard that contains ample space to store tissues,

alarm clock, phone, water glasses, reading glasses,

your favorite reading material and romantic pleasures.

Last updated 2000.5.25

